Monday, August 25, 2008

Father & Daughter

Bleacher Seats

So tonight I had to cover soccer at Midland High School. While I was watching Midland score goal after goal against Mount Pleasant, I noticed these two in the bleachers alone. I watched them for a while, resisting the urge to take their picture, not wanting to divert my attention from the soccer match in front of me. But as the light got better and better, I couldn't wait any longer, I had to make a picture of them. I moved into position, and then fired of a few frames. After I finished chimpping, I started to make my way across the field, but it was too late. The pair was on the move. I wanted to get their names, but I wasn't fast enough. They were in their car before I could catch them. So, needless to say, this photo won't be running anywhere except for my blog. I'm assuming they were father and daughter, but I don't know for sure. Hopefully I'll see them again sometime. I'd love to be able to put a cutline with this photo.

P.S. Those are the same bleachers that I used in the portrait of Andrew Maxwell. Ten points to anyone who realized that without me telling you.


brett said...

ding ding ding. ten points. yesss. shot myself a football preview photo on those steps as well.

Nathan Morgan said...

It's a good location. And, it's close to an outlet.

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